This time I have to write about “Describe myself”.
I don’t really know how to start this essay. But then, I will start with my
features. I have brownish black hair, black eyes, and my nose is little bit
flat. I’m very normal face girl. But then some of my friends in Korea they are
like to tease with my face. I don’t the exact meaning but they said that it’s
because of my eyes. I have really small eyes. It’s my father’s heredity. I’m
getting okay with my small eyes. Nowadays, I don’t really much care about my
eyes anymore. It’s what my parents gave it to me when I was born. Also, I don't
want to make my eyes bigger because I’m too scared….I usually no talk a lot but
when I stay with my friends and closed people then I talked a lot. When I first
met people and they thought that I’m very quite person but when they get know me,
they realize that I’m very talkative person. Some of my friends tell me that I’m
very different what they think at first. I think because I talk with my friends
a lot is because I need some times to get close with each person but then if I
got close with then I feel really comfortable so I talk a lot. This is the way that
I show my feeling of each person. I have one friend who really likes my voice.
She said I have very high tone and low tone. When I’m very exciting about
something then my voice get really high but when I’m tired or not happy then my
voice is very low.

The last thing that I can describe is baking. It’s
not really describing myself but baking is like part of my life. I really like
to bake something since I was really young. But then I don’t have many chances
to bake something. When I went to different school for 6 months in Korea, they
had a baking class every Thursday afterschool. I joined without thinking and my
parents’ decision. After I get it, I told my parents about it. My parents
allowed me to joined baking club because they knew how much I like baking. I
baked many different kind of bread in club. I was not in high study rank in
this school so I felt like I am not good at anything. But after I went to
baking club I was the really good baker in the club. Teacher was really kind
and she wanted to teach a lot of things for us.We also sell it for donation and
for 3 weeks we earned $250. Our club discussed about where do we have to send
money to for donation. It delayed for next year but I returned to Saipan and I
wish my friends will send money to place which need money to help poor people.
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