Do you prefer big school or small school? Some students who are in big
schools they prefer small school other hand; some students who are in small
schools prefer big schools. There are benefits for each school. Most of people like
other people’s benefits. Students who are in big school and they want to move
to small school because they think small school has more advantages than their
big school. But I prefer big school because I think they have more benefits. Cause
I am studying in small school, I want to stay in big school. Big school seems
to have more choices for the classes and more teachers. I can choose which
course I want to take for my future work. However, if it was small school, it
is hard to do like these. Small schools have small numbers of students, small
classes, and few teachers. So I think big school has more benefits than small
school. I want to study in big school I only stay in small schools so I do not know
much about big schools. But as I said earlier, there are advantages for each of
schools. And I only stayed in small schools so I only know about them.
The reason why I like big school is only because I only went to small
schools. Actually when I was in elementary, my school was really big. But
elementary school is not important as high school. I thought if the school is
big then it will be really uncomfortable to walk all the way to the end of
school. However, as I growing up, I realize big school is better for the
students’ education then small school. Big schools have more benefits for going
to university. We can choose courses that we want for our future jobs and we
can choose teachers for our class. If we are studying with teacher we do not
like we also become not like the class. Because I want to study AP Chemistry
and I cannot do everything all alone. I am not master in Chemistry so I need
someone to supervise me. There is only one chemistry teacher in our school and
she has three more class to prepare. But if I was in big school, I can ask at
least one teacher for help. Also, big school has more big events. Small school
has few students for each grade so we cannot have big events for each grades or
school. But if it was big school, it has many classes for each grade and it can
have big events for students to enjoy more.