2013년 10월 22일 화요일

what are things that i would teach and not teach to my children? how would my children do differently?

My new topic is “What are things that I would teach and not teach to my children? How would my children do differently?” I sometimes think about what I should do to my children later. My parents taught me what should I do and what should I not do. So I think I should teach my children what my parents taught me. My parents were roll model to my brother and me. They tried hard to show us what we are suppose to do and what we are not allow to do. I will teach my children how to behave people respect and how to manner people. My parents told me, I should respect other people, be nice to other people, and be manner person. Because, it is most important to be manner person later when grow and go to the society. Even if I am smart but not behave well, no one likes to be with me. So I will teach my children to be manner people so later they can be with other people and get respect from others. I will also make them study hard so later they can be success in their lives and be roll model to other people.

I will not teach to my children that my parents told me not to do. Such as I should not lie. My parents will probably let me go out as family member if I lie to them because they will lose trust to me. They told me, “if you lie to other people and at the first time no one will no but only you will know and it means you lie to yourself.” Wow!! I realized that I should not lie to other people to not lie myself. So right now, I cannot lie to other people unless it is lie for other people to help them. Also I do not want my children to lie to me and to other people. If I do not give them advice, they will probably lie to other people so they cannot be success after they grow up. And I will tell them not to cheat. Cheat is really unfair thing. At the first time no one will realizes but adults will find out later so I will tell my children to not to cheat in their lives.

 If I do to my children as I said earlier, my children will be different with other children. Nowadays, there are many children who are behaving badly to other people and lies a lot. But my children will not do like these children. However, even I give them advises but if they do not follow what I told them. I will not forgive them. If my brother or I do something wrong that my parents told me not to do, then they will not believe us anymore in some parts. Losing trust from parents is the worst thing ever. I want my children to be trustful people so later in the future I do not have to lose trust from them. These are the things I would teach and not teach to my children in the future.

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