2013년 10월 19일 토요일

Should SIS have uniforms or not?

I do not think SIS should have school uniforms. SIS did not have school uniform for past years. I think wear school uniforms in the summer place is not right. Male students and Female students have different style of uniform. Male students should wear pant but female students have to wear skirt. There are some female students who do not like to wear skirt but if there is school uniform, then they no privilege to wear pants at school. Some school uniforms look ugly. Almost no one likes to wear school uniform that is ugly. When I look at other school’s uniform, those look really uncomfortable. Also, their uniforms have long skirt and wide pants. People who like to wear short skirts and skinny pants, they will probably fix their uniforms. Instead, of having school uniform, students should have privilege to wear whatever they want to wear at school. Also because, some student their parents do not like their children to wear uniform at school. They have to buy two or three sets of school uniform because they cannot wear same clothes for 5 school days.

 Why do we have school uniform instead of just wearing our own clothes? I think even we are students; we have right to wear what we want to wear during school time. Some people will said that some students are wearing clothes that are overexpose so it make other students or little kindergarteners or elementary students to do the same thing. I also think students who wear their clothes that will make other people unhappy, then we can make some rule that we cannot wear some types of clothes that are overexpose. But not school uniform. It makes students really unhappy to but school uniforms that they do not like. For example, when I was in Malaysia, I tend to wear school uniforms, which are green skirt, yellow shirts, and green jacket. It was just not right. It looks really ugly and who like to wear something that express a crown. There was also the meaning of the school uniform, which is a yellow chick on the green grass. Wow! I wore that uniform for six months but I really want to through them away. I also got lots of stress from the school uniform. When I wake up in the morning, I have to wear my school uniform but it is really hard to wear. I am really sleepy and hate to go to school that I do not like. I just think wearing school uniform that gives lots of stress to the student is wrong.

I just think schools should not think of make students to wear school uniform unless the school is a public school. Some private students go the private schools because there is no school uniform. Sometimes, the school uniforms give lots of stress and pressure. Also, there is no personality if everyone wears same clothes. Another reason that I think there should be no school uniform is because some school uniforms are expensive. Students who do not in condition to buy school uniform they cannot do anything or just move to other school, which do not have school uniform. Moving to other school because of they do not have enough money to buy school uniform is weird. So I think there should be no school uniform in SIS. 

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