I have lots of friends in Korea and especially Cheonga
Dalton International School. Most of them are having good relation with me but
they are not each other. There are some groups that they hate each other. They
always talk about other groups in bad ways and both groups of people are my
friends. I try not to listen what they talk about each other and I just go
outside and talk with other people instead. Of course, they all have different
parents, background, and friends around them but because of their own
personalities they just talk bad things to each other. I just try not to involve
in that situation. Sometimes I just make them to talk about other topics. I know
some of my friends talk about me when I am not there and some of them are
talking bad things about me. Even that is not really important to talk about. I
also talk bad thing about other people if I do not like them. I just want to
get rid of stress that I got it from them.

As I said earlier, I have more people who think me
as good person than I am bad person. I want to keep this relationship. I know there
will be lots of people who will go to hate me a lot later I grow up. The society
is organized by lots of people who have very different life experiences. Also,
if we want to keep good relationship with other people do not contact them if
we are only need their help. This is the reason why we are having more people
who do dislike us. Even if you get few extra times, try to contact them. My
father told me about his friends who just call him if they need my father’s
help and my father just ignores their contact. I think to be in good
relationship with other people is depends on that person’s behavior of other