2013년 11월 24일 일요일

How do I connect to others?

            Each person has his or her favorite person and dislike person. Usually it is because everyone has different personality and different life background. To some people I will marked as a good, kind, or well manner person, in the other side, some people really dislike me. I also have some people that I really like, some people I really dislike, and some people I really want to avoid. There are lots of reasons that we all do not like some people. If I do not like some people, they also do not like me because I do not want to behave well to them and they are too. Who would like to treat people well if they dislike him or her? I actually have more good relationship with people than I have people that we do not like each other. I try not to make enemies in my life. If I grow up and go out to the society, there will be lots of people who hate me a lot. But right now, I am still teenager and I do not want to make hard situation with people around me. If it happens it’s going to disturb me to study

I have lots of friends in Korea and especially Cheonga Dalton International School. Most of them are having good relation with me but they are not each other. There are some groups that they hate each other. They always talk about other groups in bad ways and both groups of people are my friends. I try not to listen what they talk about each other and I just go outside and talk with other people instead. Of course, they all have different parents, background, and friends around them but because of their own personalities they just talk bad things to each other. I just try not to involve in that situation. Sometimes I just make them to talk about other topics. I know some of my friends talk about me when I am not there and some of them are talking bad things about me. Even that is not really important to talk about. I also talk bad thing about other people if I do not like them. I just want to get rid of stress that I got it from them.

I have really bad memory about Malaysia friends. I went to International School that is in Malaysia. When it was end of 7th grade, I ended up with almost no friends. They had so different thought as me so we can be together anymore. We just cannot understand each other. I think because of that memories, I try hard to not make enemies and try not to talk about other people even it is good or bad.

As I said earlier, I have more people who think me as good person than I am bad person. I want to keep this relationship. I know there will be lots of people who will go to hate me a lot later I grow up. The society is organized by lots of people who have very different life experiences. Also, if we want to keep good relationship with other people do not contact them if we are only need their help. This is the reason why we are having more people who do dislike us. Even if you get few extra times, try to contact them. My father told me about his friends who just call him if they need my father’s help and my father just ignores their contact. I think to be in good relationship with other people is depends on that person’s behavior of other people.

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