2013년 9월 22일 일요일

Define Success

This time I have to write about “define success”. Everyone has different meaning of success. Exact meaning of success in the dictionary is “the accomplishment of one's goals.” However, I agree with this quote but I also have different meaning of success. I think to define success; we need to repeat works that we have to do again and again to achieve what we want. For example, if we learn something in our class one day and if we don’t review that we learn, we will probably forget everything. However, if we do our homework and review well then we will memorize them all. Sometimes, teachers give students homework quizzes or tests after few days then we should get them correct and get good grades. If we review those we learn then we don't really have to worry about quizzes or tests. On the other side, if we don't do our homework our own and didn't review then we can’t get good grades and we can’t find success. Being success is not only meaning of success in getting good jobs or going good university or earing lots of money and being famous. We can get or achieve success from what we really work hard by repeating their works again and again.

            Repeating work is also same meaning of working infinitely. Infinite means no ending. Even if we work again to get good grades and after that if don’t review that works again then we will probably forget those. Even we don’t learn those works anymore in class but it will help us later in our life. So it is good to repeat and review works infinitely. People’s brain has some parts that memorize short period and long period. First time we learn new things it goes to the short period memory part. If we review those then it will move to long period memory part. Even it stays in long period memory part, if we don't look at those again it will remove from long period memory part. To keep those in the long period memory part we should review infinitely. Some people might think reviewing again and again infinitely is waste of time but it is not. If they don't believe it then do whatever they want to do. I am not force you to do review your works again and again infinitely to define success. This is my opinion of defining success. Everyone has different way of memorizing and meaning of success. To me, meaning of success is do review our works and repeat those things then we can reach what we want to achieve.

I gave an example of success about study hard then we can get good grades because it is easy to tell my thought. As a conclusion, in my opinion, the meaning of success is we repeat what we suppose to do infinitely and if we achieve goals, this is meaning of success. I think to get success is to work step-by-step and repeating again and again to achieve goals. As I say earlier, everyone has different think about success. Some people only thinks about getting their goals so they do unfairly but we should not do that to achieve goals. Even we found success but if we don't do it fairly, then we can’t call that is success. The meaning of success is we do review our works infinitely without unfairness. 

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