2013년 9월 29일 일요일

What do I want on my tombstone?

My 15th title is “What do I want on my tombstone?”. It is also difficult to answer as “my bucket list”. As I say on ““my bucket list”, I never think about dying. I am still young and I have lots of time before I die. But if I think of one right now, then I will decide to put my name, years that I lived, and “I spent my time wisely to not disappoint to myself”. The only think I can think of good sentence is this. There are lots of thing I want to write but this will explain everything that I want to say. I also can write about my family in the future that I will have, my parents, my friends, or my love. But I think “I spent my time wisely to not disappoint to myself” will be much greater to express my thought. If the tombstone is big enough to write what I want to write I will probably write everything that I want to say to my relatives. Or I can also ask my family to write about me after I die. Not bad things because I do not want to be mark as bad person even I die and cannot talk to people. Everyone wants to be mark as good person to his or her relatives.

The reason why I want to put “I spent my time wisely to not disappoint to myself” in my tombstone is because right I feel that I do not use my times wisely. I have to spend my times to study or other things that will help me. But I spend all my times on doing my homework. People should spend their time wisely to be success in the future. I want to be success in the future and when I die, I can tell people that I am success in my life on my tombstone. I think everyone want to show how they live and who are they when they die. The only thing they can show is their tombstone after they die. So they want to write who are they, how they live, and what they do before they die. Also, they want to know how people think about them before they die such as being mark as good person. I am also part of them. I want to be looking wise and success person even I die in the future.

I might change my decision later when I am old enough. I just want to write that quote on my tombstone right now I do not know I might change or not. I don't know what to choose and I just thing of that. But I think “I spent my time wisely to not disappoint to myself” is also good to put on my tombstone later. But while I am writing this essay, I feel like it is also does not matter to me if my descendant write down what they think about me, if it is not bad thing about me. Who wants to be looking bad after they die? So I think be nice to people who are around you. If they do not like us, they might say bad thing about us after we die. As I say in the beginning of this essay, I do not know about my death. I am not adult right now. I want to think about my death after I marry or old enough to think. 

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