2013년 9월 13일 금요일

If I were to have one super power, what should it be and why?

 I have to write about what I want to have super power if I can choose one. There are many super powers we can think of and we watch many movies that show about super powers and heroes movie. I will choose can see the future events. There are a lot of movies that shows person who are future teller and they can see what will happen in the future to somebody. I think this is most cool super power to me. If I have super power that I can see the future events I can tell myself and other people who are close to me about what will happen in the future so what I or they have to prepare. If there are going to be something dangerous happen then I can tell and warn other people for their safety. For example, if I look at someone and can see him or her future then I can advice them for their happiness in the future. There are a lots of things are happening in the world right now so it is good for me and other people to know what will happen in the future and prepare so the future can change.

If I have super power of seeing future events I can do a lot of things. There are many advantages of having super power but there are also some disadvantages of having super power in my life. For some advantages, I can do the lottery for my family. If I see the numbers in the lottery for the next week then I can earn lots of money. I know this is unfair for other people but this is only can happen if and only if I have super power. If something bad things happen in our family then I can be prepare for defeat it. The futures are always changing I can change future if I try to change.  Sometimes I can also tell people about their future. I can decrease bad events of people and give some advice that will help to change their future. Sometimes I can save people’s life. If they will have accident and die then I can tell them to not go that place on what day. To seeing future events of myself and somebody else’s will help and can save other people’s life and myself. However, the futures of humans are not always decided until they reach at that time. 

However there are some disadvantages of having super power of seeing future events. For example, if I look at my close friends’ future and they can’t success in the future and can be a bad person. My friends can ask me about their future and I can’t lie to my close friends and I can also say that they cannot success in the future. The relationship between my friends and I will be really bad. Also, if I see someone who is near my relatives and they will hurt my relatives in the future then I have to tell my relatives to be careful but the relationship with my relatives and someone who are close with them my be bad and future can be always correct. I don’t want people to feel bad from my future telling. Also, I can also see how am I going to die and when am I going to die in the future. No one want to know when and how they want to die if they have super power. However, there are many disadvantages of having super power of seeing future events, I still want this super power. Not everyone can have this chance in his or her life so I want to be some special person and I want my life to be little special. 

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