2013년 9월 8일 일요일

In the past people who were friendlier than we are today. Do you agree or disagree?

I am agreeing with the past people who were friendlier than we are today. People who are living today and people whom living before past times are very different. The times between now and past, we cannot count them and it’s huge. Human changed a lot during past to now. From chimpanzees to humans it took a lot of time and human are now smarter than past. At the past time, humans are not really communicated to each other. Humans at first are living like chimpanzees and after years they becoming like human. So people suddenly involve with other people. They tend to hunt with other people and share foods with each other. Person who is selfish and act individual, he/she is kick out of the tribe. At past, people are keeping together for surviving. If they act individual they cannot survive. At the past time they don't know what to do individual and not smarter than people in todays. They tend to help each other and get knowledge to become smart and know how to survive individually. Also, people tend to live separate and die early but then after they start the tribes and hunt together, they get long lifetime and get more food. They just start the society so they think group helps them to more superior life.

People who are today, they are trying to stay individually. Nowadays, people want to be more successful then other people. They want better jobs, house, and life than their friends or relatives. They think they don't have enough time to meet other people and waste time with them because they need more times to achieve their success. They want to go forward than others and be more success than others. People now on, they think to be separate with other people is more helpful to be success. They want to show other people that themselves are the better than others after they success. Because they want to be more success than other people is because they want to be more famous and get respect to other people than his/her relatives do. To get other people’s attention, they feel accomplishment and they don't want to lose it again and they try more hard and lose friends. Not all people are like that but some are. People who don't care about they relationship and choose to be famous, they don’t have any friends around him/her so they have to be more kind and friendlier to their friends and relatives. To be more kind to other will help them success in the future.
If people don’t have friends it is really hard to involve with society. They can only be famous and get respect when they are really nice and friendlier to other people. If they have bad relationship and bad temper, they people around them will leave him/her. If they have no good relationship people will found out even they try to hide and want to show only good thing about them. However, other people will found that out and he/she cannot get good attention and respect. Past people are more naïve and they start the society because they thought being together and help each other will help them to be more successful. I think past people are friendlier than today because they had not much competition to win each other and success. Nowadays, people have to work harder than other people to success. People are changing a lot from past to now. It’s lot different now. However, in groups people can be more successful than individuals. Being friendlier to other people and being together are really important. 

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